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The requirements for applying for staff are that you have Skype and have played the server a minimum of 5 Days. 


Please answer the following questions is your email to us.

  1. Your IGN 

  2. Your Age

  3. Your Timezone

  4. Your Skype Username

  5.  What Staff Rank you want

  6. How long have you played minecraft

  7. How long have you played Surge 

  8. Are you currently staff on another server

  9. Why would you want to be Staff

  10. Why should you be a Staff Member

  11. What would you do if you see staff abusing

  12. You log onto Surge and you see a player fly hack, but you couldnt record in time. What would you do?

  13. Anything else you would like to share

Players who do not answer all these question will be instantly denied!​

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